ProjSpawnFuncActorFast is a simpler version of [BasicFastProjectile](<>). It’s a simple actor inheriting from [FastProjectile](<>) with no new properties aside from the fact that it activates all spawn functions for projectiles. This actor is extremely bare-bones and should only be used when you specifically want a projectile that triggers spawn functions, but has different requirements from BasicFastProjectile.

Similar to BasicFastProjectile, this should only be used for projectiles at or above speed 60. If you want a projectile that’s slower, consider [ProjSpawnFuncActor](<>) instead.

DECORATE Definition

<aside> 🚨 Wait! Stop! Before you copy this actor's definition into your mod, remember the following things:

actor ProjSpawnFuncActor
    var int user_UseProjSpawnFunc;

Custom Properties

These are user variables that can be added to the actor for various effects. You do not need to give them a value, they just must be defined.


Here is a modified Wheel Cutter actor from MM8BDM. It is used to “instantly” place Wheel Cutter’s launched projectile 96 units forward.

actor WheelCutterLaunchPlacerSimple : ProjSpawnFuncActorFast
    Obituary "$OB_WHEELCUTTER"
    Damagetype "WheelCutter"
    scale 2.5
    Radius 10
    Height 10
    Damage (20)
    Speed 96 // WEPC_10WC_SAWRADIUS
		        TNT1 A 0
		        TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("WheelCutterLauncher", 0, 0, 0, momx/WEPC_10WC_SAWRADIUS, momy/WEPC_10WC_SAWRADIUS, momz/WEPC_10WC_SAWRADIUS, 0, SXF_ABSOLUTEMOMENTUM|SXF_MULTIPLYSPEED)
		        TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("WheelCutter", 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, SXF_MULTIPLYSPEED)
		        TNT1 A 10

See Also


