BasicFastProjectile is an actor that can be inherited from to get an actor that will receive projectile team colors and acts as a projectile, colliding on terrain and other actors. This actor is primarily used for projectiles that move at a speed of 60 or higher, and handles collision as more of a line of projectiles than a single hitbox.

This means this projectile cannot bounce or reflect and may appear to collide in strange places if used in improper contexts. You should also take caution using this type of projectile with the RIPPER flag, as it will do far more damage than expected unless you use the special damage properties noted below.

Please use [BasicProjectile](<>) for projectiles moving lower than 60 speed.

DECORATE Definition

<aside> 🚨 Wait! Stop! Before you copy this actor's definition into your mod, remember the following things:

actor BasicFastProjectile : ProjSpawnFuncActorFast
    damagetype "Buster"
    Obituary "%o told %k they forgot the obituary. (BasicFastProjectile)"
    Speed 60
    Damage (5000)
    radius 5
    height 5
    scale 2.5
        BUST A 1

Custom Properties

These are user variables that can be added to the actor for various effects. You do not need to give them a value, they just must be defined.


Here is a projectile actor for the Metal Blade projectile used in MM8BDM’s Instagib game mode. Note that it uses user_TranslateWhiteColors to give it team colors. This projectile uses RIPPER without using any special damage properties, but that is fine because this projectile is designed to one-shot regardless.

actor IGMetalBlade : BasicFastProjectile
	seesound "weapons/mm2/metalbladefire"
	damagetype "Instagib"
	Speed 100
	Radius 3
	Height 4
	Damage (100)
	var int user_TranslateWhiteColors;
			METL AB 3

See Also
