Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch can be downloaded by using either the installer or the archive downloads provided. The installer is typically the easier route and allows for easier game updating in the future, so this page will cover the process of using the installer to download the game.

The latest installer can currently be downloaded here.

Using the Installer

Once you have the installer file downloaded, launch it by double clicking on its icon wherever you downloaded it to.

<aside> 🚨 You may get a warning notification whenever attempting to launch the installer. In that case, first click the phrase which says Show more, then click the button in the bottom right which says Run anyway.


Once you have the installer opened, the view to the right is what you’ll see. You can read some information about the game by scrolling within the text area. Click the Next button once you’re ready to continue with the installation.


This next screen will ask you where you wish to install the game to. You can click the Browse button to visually select where to install the game to. Click the Next button once you’re satisfied with the installation location.


This final setup related screen will ask you about some additional features to set up while installing the game. The desktop shortcut is mostly self explanatory, this will just place a shortcut to the MM8BDM launcher on your desktop.

The Associate URLs with Game Servers option will allow you to connect to MM8BDM servers by using website URLs. Some community tools and Discord bots make use of this feature to allow easy server connection, so it’s recommended to keep it checked.


You can review all of your choices on the screen to the right before beginning the installation. If you’re satisfied with all the selections, then click the Install button to finally begin installing Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch.

Once you click the Install button, you can watch all of the files install to the desired location. Once the installation is done, you’ll see a screen offering to launch the game, but you can also launch the game by going to the installation location (or desktop shortcut if created earlier).


Once you navigate to the installation directory (or desktop shortcut), you can double click on the Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch file to open the launcher for the game. Once you’re in the launcher, you can click Start to launch the game in single player, or alternatively you can load mods or play multiplayer!

Updating to Future Versions

If you’ve used the installer to install a previous version of Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch already, then updating the game is as simple as grabbing the latest installer and using it. The new installer will automatically detect the old installation and install into the same directory, updating that directory with the new files and launcher.

If you haven’t used the installer before and have been sticking to archive downloads, then it is recommended to start by installing the latest version of the game using the installer. Once you have a new installation, look in your old archive location for a zandronum-[YourNameHere].ini file. Move this file into the new installation’s folder to finish the update, and then use future installers for future updates.

<aside> 🚨 The zandronum-[YourNameHere].ini file contains all of your save data and configurations! Be careful not to lose this file or overwrite the incorrect one!


See Also

Playing Online