<aside> 📦 DTADD.acs
<aside> ⚡ int DefineTrainingEntryUpdated(str version, int type, str tag, str desc, str icon, str actor)
This function performs the same role and should be used in the same context as [DefineTrainingEntry](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/DefineTrainingEntry-91396e36f8e1479d90e107461142973a>)
, but allows you to specify a message indicating the weapon as updated in some version. Base MM8BDM uses this for its updated weapons and items to tell people to check out the new updates.
: String - This is a string to display after the name of the entry (Ex. "(v6b)!"
: Int - This refers to the type of entry to add, which corresponds to the area it appears in. The following values are accepted.
: Appears after the Mega Buster but before buster upgrades.DTADD_TRAINING_BUSTER
: Appears after the weapons but before the Mega Buster.DTADD_TRAINING_ITEM
: Appears separated and in the category below the weapons.tag
: String - The entry tag's language definition, or its proper name (Ex. "TAG_ROLLINGCUTTER"
or "Rolling Cutter"
: String - The entry description’s language definition, or just the full description (Ex. "DESC_ROLLINGCUTTER"
or "Rolling Cutter throws scissors."
: String - The entry's SpawnLoop
sprite (Ex. "WEA2F0"
: String - The entry's actor name (Ex. "RollingCutterWep"
). This corresponds to the actor given when the user selects the entry.