<aside> 📦 DTADD.acs
<aside> ⚡ int DefineTrainingEntry(int type, str tag, str desc, str icon, str actor)
This is a function that will actually add a weapon or item to the list of entries for the training room. This function should not be called in any script that occurs on OPEN
, or anything of the sort. It should only be called in scripts that are being called from [RegisterTrainingDef](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/RegisterTrainingDef-9ebad3a68c7f46b99c65a37d0d59257b>)
: Int - This refers to the type of entry to add, which corresponds to the area it appears in. The following values are accepted.
: Appears after the Mega Buster but before buster upgrades.DTADD_TRAINING_BUSTER
: Appears after the weapons but before the Mega Buster.DTADD_TRAINING_ITEM
: Appears separated and in the category below the weapons.tag
: String - The entry tag's language definition, or its proper name (Ex. "TAG_ROLLINGCUTTER"
or "Rolling Cutter"
: String - The entry description’s language definition, or just the full description (Ex. "DESC_ROLLINGCUTTER"
or "Rolling Cutter throws scissors."
: String - The entry's SpawnLoop
sprite (Ex. "WEA2F0"
: String - The entry's actor name (Ex. "RollingCutterWep"
). This corresponds to the actor given when the user selects the entry.This function shows how you would use this function alongside its closely related [RegisterTrainingDef](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/RegisterTrainingDef-9ebad3a68c7f46b99c65a37d0d59257b>)
script "sparkscatter_definetraining" (void) {
script "sparkscatter_definesetup" OPEN {