<aside> 📦 DTADD.acs
<aside> âš¡ void DefineReservedTIDRange(int tid, int tidMax)
This function has the same premise as [DefineReservedTID](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/DefineReservedTID-0ab6254422214b33a2c08eb5d27bb87b>)
but allows the definition of an entire range of reserved TIDs, which is typically a bit more useful.
This range is inclusive, meaning that the first TID specified and the last TID are both included as reserved TIDs.
: Int - The beginning of the range to reservetidMax
: Int - The end of the inclusive range to reserveTIDs 1000 to 1063 are reserved for player actors so that we can quickly access them at any given time. It would not be good if some random actor got a TID of 1000, because then it might get referred to with the assumption of being a player, hence we reserve those as well.
DefineReservedTIDRange(PLN_TID, PLN_TID + MAX_PLAYERS-1); //Player TIDs