<aside> ⚡ script "core_uniquetid" (int start, int limit)



This script is a wrapper for UniqueTID which will dodge any TIDs which have already been reserved for long term use by [DefineReservedTID](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/DefineReservedTID-0ab6254422214b33a2c08eb5d27bb87b>) and [DefineReservedTIDRange](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/DefineReservedTIDRange-187671d514a64498a028099e806b862f>).

<aside> 🚨 **This script can be a bit intensive when spammed, so for best practices, this should only be used for TIDs which need to exist for longer than 1 tic, be created relatively infrequently, but still need to be guaranteed unique.

If this is not the case, you may want to consider using [core_NewUniqueTID](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/core_NewUniqueTID-042826a8255e44cd906755cd5f6aed1a>) instead!**



Return Value

Returns a unique TID which can be used long term.

See Also
