<aside> ⚡ actor MegaBlueHelmet 11005


<aside> ⚡ actor MegaRedHelmet 11006


<aside> ⚡ actor MegaGreenHelmet 11007


<aside> ⚡ actor MegaYellowHelmet 11008



The Things located above are located under the category MM8BDM-Skulltag. These objects are the relevant objects to place onto a map that is looking to support Skulltag.

If you are trying to make a simple Skulltag map with two teams, then you would want to place the MegaBlueHelmet, MegaRedHelmet, and various score pillars around your map. Otherwise, you can support all four teams by building a base and putting a helmet for every team.

<aside> 🚨 Warning: For neutral score pillars to work properly, your map must have team starts for all 4 teams, even if your map is not intended to be played in 4 Team Skulltag.


See Also

(1F) Capture the Flag