<aside> ⚡ actor MegaBlueFlag 11005


<aside> ⚡ actor MegaRedFlag 11006


<aside> ⚡ actor MegaGreenFlag 11007


<aside> ⚡ actor MegaYellowFlag 11008


<aside> ⚡ actor MegaWhiteFlag 11019



The Things located above are located under the category MM8BDM-CTF. These objects are the relevant objects to place onto a map that is looking to support Capture the Flag.

If you are trying to make a simple CTF map with two teams and One Flag CTF support, then you would want to place the MegaBlueFlag, MegaRedFlag, and MegaWhiteFlag Things onto your map. Otherwise, you can support all four teams by building a base and putting a flag for every team.

Don’t forget to place down some team starts as well for your CTF map, otherwise the map won’t load in CTF at all!

<aside> 💡 Note: Typically the White Flag goes in the middle of the map, so you may want to avoid placing a pickup there. Otherwise, someone who is grabbing the White Flag may be forced to grab a weapon or item pickup as well, which can be bad practice.


See Also
