You want to make an actor that inherits from BasicACSDamager
if you’re going to use any of the following scripts:
When calling these scripts, a BasicACSDamager
handles assignment of the damage source, as well as the obituary in the event of the damage resulting in a frag.
<aside> 🚨 Wait! Stop! Before you copy this actor's definition into your mod, remember the following things:
actor BasicACSDamager : BasicExplosion
var int user_damage;
renderstyle "none"
TNT1 AA 0 A_Explode(user_damage, 8, 0, 0, 8)
TNT1 A 35
Here is the Oil Canister explosion damager from the explosive barrels on MM1OIL.
actor HazardCredit_OilCanisterExplosion : BasicACSDamager
DamageType "OilCanister"