<aside> ⚡ script "core_checktranslation" (int id, int idMax) CLIENTSIDE



<aside> 💡 This script is not intended to be called in code, instead it is a debug script which should be called via using the [pukename](<https://zdoom.org/wiki/CCMDs:Debug#pukename:~:text=cannot%20be%20puked.-,pukename,-%3Cscript%3E%20%5Balways%5D%20%5Barg1>) command in console!


This script allows you to provide a range of translation IDs and check if they’ve already been used by some other translation created using [CreatePlayerTranslation](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/CreatePlayerTranslation-d06d89f15beb41879070dac7e51f1593>), [CreatePlayerTranslationGlow](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/CreatePlayerTranslationGlow-6f7b0592d0944330b7a030d6e98d07b6>), or [DefineTranslation](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/DefineTranslation-f3640351d82a4cf393a6c70dbed9b5c5>).

<aside> 💡 If puking this script offline, you will need to close the console then reopen it to view the results of the run.



See Also
