This page covers the options that can be found within the Settings section of the menu. If you’re looking for something specific, check out the table of contents or press CTRL+F to search for keywords.

<aside> 💡 A general rule of thumb for most settings - if you don’t know what they do and their purpose isn’t explicitly clear (or written down at all), it’s likely best to just leave them as is.


Table of Contents

Control Settings

These are your basic controls and key-bindings.

Underlined names dictate controls that are important and recommended to use.

Movement Controls

These controls relate to basic movement functions.

Name Command Default Description
Move (Forward, Back, Left, Right) +forward, +back, +moveleft, +moveright W, A, S, D Basic movement keys.
Jump +jump Space Jump! Jump!
Run/Sneak +speed N/A Holding this key enables either running or sneaking depending on your Always Run setting.
Toggle Run "toggle cl_run" CapsLock The same as Run/Sneak, but as a single-press toggle instead of a hold.
Fly Up +flyup N/A Fly upwards while in certain forms of flight (such as during the Chapter 8 boss).
Fly Down +flydown N/A The same as Fly Up, but downwards.
Crouch +crouch Ctrl Holding this key makes you crouch.
Toggle Crouch crouch N/A The same as Crouch, but as a single-press toggle instead of a hold.
Respawn/Open +use N/A Also known as the “use” key. Can be used to respawn while dead - can also be used to interact with map objects.
Center View centerview N/A Centers your view horizontally.

Weapons Controls

These controls relate to weapon functions like firing or switching weapons.

Name Command Default Description
Primary Fire +attack Left Click Also known as “mainfire.” Shoots your weapon!
Alternate Fire +altattack Right Click Also known as “altfire.” The function varies between weapons, but it is commonly used to rapidly fire weapons that would be difficult to fire quickly otherwise (i.e. Gyro Attack, Spread Drill). Experiment and see what you can find!
Next Weapon weapnext Mouse Wheel (Up) Switches to the next weapon available.
Previous Weapon weapprev Mouse Wheel (Down) Switches to the previous weapon available.
Last Used Weapon swapwep N/A Switches to the weapon you last swapped off of.
Weapon Slot (1-0) slot [#] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 Switches your weapon to one in a corresponding category.
Slot 1 - Buster
Slot 2 - Ranged
Slot 3 - Rapid
Slot 4 - Close
Slot 5 - Power
Slot 6 - Area of Effect
Slot 7 - Shield
Slots 8, 9, and 0 are not used in the base game.

Item Controls

These controls relate to assist item pickups such as Rush Coil, Tango Roll, etc.

Name Command Default Description
Use Item invuse C, Mouse Wheel (Click) Uses whatever item you currently have selected.
Use All Items invuseall N/A Uses every item in your inventory.
Next Item invnext E Switches to the next item in your inventory.
Previous Item invprev Q Switches to the previous item in your inventory.

Multiplayer Controls

These controls relate to multiplayer server functionality such as chatting or voting.

Name Command Default Description
Chat messagemode T, Enter Opens the chat box. Press Enter while it’s open to send your message.
Team Chat messagemode2 Y Opens the team chat box. Only people on the same team as you can see messages sent using this.
Private Chat messagemode3 N/A Opens the private chat box. Press Tab while it’s open to cycle through the list of players on the server.
Taunt taunt N/A Used in custom content. If your skin/class has a taunt, press this to play it.
Open Console toggleconsole N/A Opens the console. Used to input commands.
Join Game (KBM) joinmenukey Space (Note: Can only be either Space or Enter) Keyboard input to open the Join Game menu.
Join Game (C) menu_join N/A Controller input to open the Join Game menu.
Spectate spectate F2 Puts you into spectator mode.
Spy Players spynext F12 While spectating or in a team game, use this to view the perspective of other players.
Spy Flag Carrier spycarrier N/A Like Spy Players, but takes you to whoever is holding the CTF flag or similar.
Stop Spying spycancel N/A Returns you from spying to your own view.
Vote Yes vote_yes Page Up Votes “yes” to any current server vote.
Vote No vote_no Page Down Votes “no” to any current server vote.