<aside> ⚡ actor PossessionStart 6000



"Circuit Board Start" is a Thing located under the category MM8BDM-TermPoss. This object is used to create spawns unique to the Circuit Board in (Team) Possession.

<aside> 💡 Warning: If you’re using a Zandronum configuration in Ultimate Doom Builder, this Thing may appear underneath the Powerups category instead.


By default, the Circuit Board that appears in the (Team) Possession game mode will copy the Deathmatch starts of a map. However, the Circuit Board fails to spawn properly at certain Deathmatch starts such as ones on top of 3D floors.

In this case, it may be desirable to specify alternate or narrowed down locations which the Circuit Board will use instead. The existence of a single Circuit Board start will disallow it from using any of the Deathmatch starts.

<aside> 💡 Tip: Although it may be tempting to have a map with a single Circuit Board start in the middle, consider that (Team) Possession plays best with a bit of mystery before finding the Circuit Board. Make sure to have at least a few possible spots!


See Also
