<aside> ⚡ actor MM8BDM_DeathPit 10569



"Hazard Pit" is a Thing located under the category MM8BDM-Mapper Tools. This object is used to create pits that will be sure to frag the player while being detectable via ["core_checkPit"](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/core_checkPit-99614e843a3b4633a0831aa362c42cc7>) and variants.

To create a pit in your map, simply place this actor down, click the Action / Tag / Misc. tab, and fill in the necessary info.

Action and Identification

<aside> 💡 Tip: Damage and Damage Interval can be used together to create a pit that deals slow tick damage. A pit with 10 damage and 10 tics as the damage interval will slowly kill the player by dealing 10 damage every 10 tics that they stand within it. These are commonly used with "Mutation" and "Melting" pits.


<aside> 💡 Warning: 3D floors are tricky to create pits using, but just remember the control sector (the sector outside of the map) and the target sector (the sector inside). The Tag field should have the tag of the control sector while the 3D Floor Target Sector argument should be using the tag of the target sector, also used as the Sector Tag in Sector Set 3D Floor.


See Also

Fragging Hazards

