<aside> 📦 ASSTLIB.acs


<aside> ⚡ void DrawBasicBarAndNumber(str barPiece, str barBack, str barPieceH, str barBackH, int x, int y, int id1, int id2, int id3, int barLength, bool drawnum, int number)



This function draws a bar and a number at a given X and Y coordinate of the screen.


<aside> 💡 Warning: A bad “gotcha” with core graphics is that they are typically flipped in their naming scheme due to legacy reasons. Any graphic with VAR typically refers to the horizontal alternative rather than the vertical as you might expect!


<aside> đź’ˇ **Note: Because this function is implemented using HudMessage internally, the X and Y coordinates here abide by the rules of SetHudSize as that function does.

If you’re using [Get_AssistDisplayBar_X](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/Get_AssistDisplayBar_X-b1024a0668234f129edaf36a126c7b81>) and [Get_AssistDisplayBar_Y](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/Get_AssistDisplayBar_Y-031bc9a7a82f448fbb4797839a35c692>), this is not much of a concern to you, because they already give coordinates assuming that SetHudSize(320, 200, 0) has been used, but it is good to know for specifying your own coordinates!**
