<aside> 📦 DTADD.acs


<aside> ⚡ int DefinePowerAprop(str giver, str powerUp, int property, int factor, int permanent)



Defines an Aprop Powerup to multiply the given property of the actor by factor.


Return Value

<aside> 💡 Tip: If an AProp Powerup is marked “permanent,” it’s often a good idea to save the table index so it can be revoked manually. An AProp Powerup marked “permanent” does not become disabled when the powerup leaves your inventory, so it needs to be removed using the script, [core_revokeApropPower](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/core_revokeApropPower-6da0c05347d74e0c8dc84b0aed99e2d9>)


See Also

AProp Powerups