<aside> 📦 DTADD.acs


<aside> âš¡ int DefineDoubleAmmoWeapon(str wepTag, str wepActor, str wepIcon, str wepAmmo, int wepMult, str wepAmmo2, int wepMult2, int wepSlot, int wepMap, int wepLms, int wepEddie)



This function has the same purpose as [DefineWeapon](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/DefineWeapon-6a4db7e06fb0415e8f80c3407c378ff8>) but takes extra arguments to support defining a second ammo type for a weapon.


<aside> 🚨 Due to an oversight, none of these three bools can disable the weapon from appearing as a starting weapon when mm8bdm_sv_randomstartweapon is enabled. Define your weapons with caution!


Return Value

See Also
