<aside> 📦 DTADD.acs


<aside> ⚡ int DefineBusterUpgradeAndTake(str busterTag, str busterActor, str busterUpgradeTag, str busterUpgrade, str busterIcon, bool busterMapValid, bool busterLMSValid, bool busterEddieValid)



This function defines a new Buster Upgrade for purposes of LMS loadout, map randomization, and Eddie.

It also defines that this Buster Upgrade weapon should be taken whenever the user receives a new Buster Upgrade weapon, hence the “take” part of the function name.


Return Value


This is a block of code that would add Proto Buster to the list of buster upgrades, assuming that it did not already exist which it does already in base MM8BDM.

Script "protobuster_busterdef" OPEN {
	DefineBusterUpgradeAndTake("TAG_PROTOBUSTER", "ProtoBuster", "TAG_PROTOUPGRADE", "ProtoUpgrade", "WEA2Q0", true, true, true);

See Also

