<aside> ⚠️ Warning: Before beginning this tutorial, you should already have some experience with DECORATE and ACS. It is also helpful to come into this knowing how to implement custom graphics and implement custom sounds.


Weapons are the mechanic that drives vanilla Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch, so it is inevitable to want to create custom weapons that interact nicely with the weapons already existing in the game.

Thankfully, weapons are just a combination of one main weapon actor and a multitude of projectile or accessory actors, so we can still use our knowledge of DECORATE when creating weapons. Additionally, Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch provides many base actors to inherit from and ACS functions to use when defining some properties specific to weapons.

This tutorial will walk through the setup and creation of a basic minimum weapon. It’s recommended to try following along with your own project file, but don’t worry if you get lost, as a file with everything is provided at the end.

We can begin creating a weapon by first understanding the basic properties and states needed to make a weapon function.

actor NotMegaBuster : BaseMM8BDMWep
	Weapon.AmmoUse 1
	Weapon.AmmoGive 28
	weapon.ammotype "NotBusterAmmo"

	Weapon.SlotNumber 3

	Inventory.Pickupmessage "Power Up! Mega Buster!"
	Obituary "%o was bombed by %k's Mega Buster."
	Tag "Mega Buster"

	inventory.icon "NULLICON"

			WEAP X 1

			BUST B 0 ACS_NamedExecuteWithResult("core_weaponcolor", CLR_MEGABUSTER)
			BUST B 1 A_WeaponReady
			goto Ready+1

			BUST B 0
			goto SelectSwap
			BUST B 0
			goto DeselectSwap

			BUST B 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo("NoAmmo")
			BUST B 0 A_PlaySoundEx("weapons/busters/megabusterfire","Weapon")
			BUST B 0 A_FireCustomMissile("MegaShot",0,1,8,0)
			BUST CD 3
			BUST B 2
			BUST B 0 A_Refire
			goto Ready+1

			BUST B 1 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("core_noammo",0)
			goto Ready+1

The code above defines a weapon that can be a template called NotMegaBuster, an almost copy of the Mega Buster. We begin by inheriting from [BaseMM8BDMWep](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/BaseMM8BDMWep-8cc600ca63704fd59c44528ca4060cac>), an actor that already exists in Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch that sets up some of the more nitty gritty states such as DeselectSwap and SelectSwap which are being jumped to, but do not exist in our weapon that we’ve just created.

Basic Weapon Properties

Every weapon should define a few properties that describe its unique attributes.

We define a few ammo-based properties unique to our weapon, such as the amount of ammo it uses per shot, the amount of ammo received when picking up our weapon, and the actor name of the ammo used for our weapon.

Weapon.AmmoUse 1
Weapon.AmmoGive 28
weapon.ammotype "NotBusterAmmo"

This ammo type must correspond to an actor that exists, so in this case, we would have an actor which looks like the following.

actor NotBusterAmmo : Ammo
	inventory.amount 1
	inventory.maxamount 28

We also need to define a slot number for our weapon. This slot number corresponds to the scroll order of weapons and which number players can use to instantly swap to the weapon. The convention for Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch is to indicate the type of weapon it is via its slot number. We can use the following numbers to indicate the following slots.