ClassBase is an actor which all classes that wish to use normal weapons that inherit from [BaseMM8BDMWep](<>) should inherit from.

This actor extends across multiple files and includes multiple systems, so it is not feasible to post its code in one block on this page.

Custom Properties

The following are inventory flags which can be given to the class as a start item to disable certain behaviors.

HUD Properties

These flags disable certain HUD elements for a class.

Air and Wall Jump Properties

These flags are specific to the air jump and wall jump systems

LMS Loadout Properties

These flags are only applicable if the class is also receiving ModeWeps.

This set of flags allows the class to obtain a slot of weapons even if the server variable for it is disabled.

This set of flags disables a class from obtaining a slot of weapons, regardless of server setting.


This is an example Megaman? class which would be functionally identical to the base class in MM8BDM. Some properties that are already defined in ClassBase are repeated for illustration purposes.

actor Megaman? : ClassBase
	player.scoreicon "135ST00"
	player.displayname "Megaman?"
	player.soundclass "megaman"

	player.forwardmove 0.8, 0.8
	player.sidemove 0.78, 0.78

	player.jumpz 10
	gravity 0.8

	Health 100
	Player.MaxHealth 100

	player.startitem "BaseFlagPack", 1
	player.startitem "ModeWeps", 1

	player.startitem "MegaBuster"
	player.startitem "BusterAmmo", 3
			EMEG A 0
			EMEG B 1
			EMEG A 1
			Goto Spawn+2

			Goto Spawn

			EMEG F 5
			EMEG G 4
			goto Spawn+2

			EMEG H 0
			goto MegamanPain
			EMEG H 0
			goto MegamanDeath

See Also

Creating Classes
