BasicGraphicEffect, when inherited from, will create a client-sided actor. Use this to create particle effects and visuals that should not be synced to the server.

This actor cannot use the normal method of executing spawn events, so it uses its Spawn state to do so. If inheriting from this actor and desiring spawn events (such as projectile team colors) to occur, use the SpawnFrame state instead of a Spawn state. By overriding the Spawn state, all of these SFT_PROJCLIENT spawn functions are skipped, most often meaning no projectile team colors.

DECORATE Definition

<aside> 🚨 Wait! Stop! Before you copy this actor's definition into your mod, remember the following things:

actor BasicGraphicEffect
    renderstyle "Translucent"
    alpha 1.0
    radius 2
    height 2
    scale 2.5
		    // Replace this state if you *do not* want ACS to run on these items...
		        TNT1 A 0
		        TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("MM8BDMProjSpawnFuncClient", 1)
		        TNT1 A 1 A_JumpIf(true, "SpawnFrame")
		    // Replace this state if you want ACS to run on these items...
		        "----" "#" 0

Custom Properties

These are user variables that can be added to the actor for various effects. You do not need to give them a value, they just must be defined.


The example below shows Centaur Flash’s sparkle effects from MM8BDM. Note it uses user_TranslateWhiteColors so it properly translates white colors when team colors run on it.

actor CentaurFlashFX : BasicGraphicEffect
	var int user_TranslateWhiteColors;
			TNT1 A 0
			CFL5 ABCD 3