All normal pickups in MM8BDM should inherit from BaseMM8BDMItem and override the SpawnLoop state. This allows the pickup access to all spawn functions of type SFT_ITEM, as well as an easy implementation for a respawn timer visual.

DECORATE Definition

<aside> 🚨 Wait! Stop! Before you copy this actor's definition into your mod, remember the following things:

actor BaseMM8BDMItem : CustomInventory
	Scale 2.0
	var int user_spawnPosX;
	var int user_spawnPosY;
	var int user_spawnPosZ;
	mass 40 	  // respawn cooldown height (in pixels)
	accuracy 16 // respawn shadow height (in pixels)
			TNT1 A 0
			TNT1 A 0 A_CheckFlag(DROPPED, "SpawnReady")
			TNT1 A 0 A_SetUserVar(user_spawnPosX, x)
			TNT1 A 0 A_SetUserVar(user_spawnPosY, y)
			TNT1 A 0 A_SetUserVar(user_spawnPosZ, z)
			TNT1 A 1 A_GiveInventory("MM8BDMItemSpawnFunc",1)
			TNT1 A 0 A_ChangeFlag("THRUACTORS", false)
			TNT1 A 1 A_Jump(256, "SpawnLoop")
			WEAP X 1
			TNT1 A 1400 ACS_NamedExecuteWithResult("core_spawnPickupCooldown", mass, accuracy)
			TNT1 A 0 A_RestoreSpecialPosition
			TNT1 A 1 A_RestoreSpecialDoomThing

Custom Properties

The follow custom flags affect the situations in which this actor spawns:

<aside> đź’ˇ Note: Actors intended to be removed if the small version is disabled should have both variations of the flag.


Respawn Indicators

The following properties should be specified for proper respawn indicators:

<aside> đź’ˇ Note: If either of the last two values are set to 0, the respawn timer script will not attempt to spawn a respawn timer. This can be a handy way to easily opt out of giving a respawn timer to an item.


The script that spawns the respawn timer attempts to spawn two actors on pickup. It will take the name of the actor and append “_Respawn” (for the respawn timer) and “_RespawnShadow” (for the respawn shadow) to its name to spawn the actors that handle the respawn timer functionality. These actors can be anything, but typically inherit from a set of stock actors.

Respawn timer actors tend to inherit from the following actors to attain the required animations.

All Colored item respawns can also be given a translation for when the user does not have pickup colors enabled.

These actors also use the Mass property to determine how long the respawn timer should exist for, in tics. (Default 1050, which is 30 seconds.)

Respawn shadow actors tend to inherit from 8BDMItemRespawnShadow. This actor has no default animations, so a Spawn state must be specified. Unless the translation is overridden, the animation specified in the Spawn state will appear grayscale.

Like all actors inheriting from 8BDMItemRespawn, specify a Mass to display the proper respawn time, in tics. (Default 1050, which is 30 seconds.)


Below are the small Weapon Energy actors from MM8BDM. Please note how the actor names are configured.

actor WeaponEnergy : BaseMM8BDMItem 10003
	//$Category MM8BDM-Energy
	//$Title Weapon Energy
	//$Sprite EBALA0
	//$Color 9
	Inventory.RespawnTics 1050  // 1050 tics = 30 seconds.
	var int user_RemoveAsSmallAmmo;
	var int user_RemoveAsAmmo;
	inventory.pickupmessage "$PU_SMALLENERGY"
	inventory.amount 1
	inventory.pickupsound "item/energyup"
	Scale 2.0
	mass 20 	 // respawn cooldown height (in pixels)
	accuracy 8 // respawn shadow height (in pixels)
			EBAL A 0
			EBAL A 0 A_JumpIf(tid!=0, 2)
			EBAL A 0 Thing_ChangeTID(0,999)
			EBAL AB 6
			Goto SpawnLoop+3
			TNT1 A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteWithResult("core_AmmoScript",30)

actor WeaponEnergy_Respawn : 8BDMColoredItemRespawnSmall // this respawn timer is 20 pixels tall. See WeaponEnergy's mass.
	mass 1050 // this number matches WeaponEnergy's Inventory.RespawnTics
actor WeaponEnergy_RespawnShadow : 8BDMItemRespawnShadow
	mass 1050 // This too
			EBAL A 0 // this icon is 8 pixels tall. See WeaponEnergy's Accuracy.
			goto Super::Spawn