<aside> 📦 ASSTLIB.acs


<aside> âš¡ int AssistDisplayBar_HUDMode(void)



Sometimes when using the assist display system, if you’re using it to draw a graphic outside of the typical assist bar setup, you may want to draw it in separate spots depending on which HUD style the user is using, which this function will allow.

Return Value


The code below uses this function to draw a lock-on icon in separate spots between vertical and horizontal HUD styles. This sort of check is not necessary if using [Get_AssistDisplayBar_X](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/Get_AssistDisplayBar_X-b1024a0668234f129edaf36a126c7b81>) and [Get_AssistDisplayBar_Y](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/Get_AssistDisplayBar_Y-031bc9a7a82f448fbb4797839a35c692>).

#library "MMUAST"
#include "zcommon.acs"

#include "DTADD.acs"

Script "mmu_assists_define" OPEN CLIENTSIDE {

#include "ASSTLIB.acs"

Script "mmu_assists" (int cam) CLIENTSIDE {
	if(AssistDisplayBar_HUDMode()!=BAR_DISPLAY_NONE) {
		if(CheckActorInventory(cam,"JetVision")>0) {
			int x = 28.1;
			int y = 36.1;
			if(AssistDisplayBar_HUDMode()==BAR_DISPLAY_HORI) {
				x = 157.1;
				y = 188.1;