🚨 **This page does not describe what these scripts do, nor imply that you should call these scripts manually! For info of what scripts are useful to call, refer to the [ACS Script Reference](<https://mm8bdm.notion.site/ACS-Script-Reference-cf6aec3f193945df8fc72f6e518a0fd1>)
This page is for people who really know what they’re doing and either wish to see the inner workings of the game, or replace specific functionality with their own (after considering all other options!).**
This page is a comprehensive list of all global scripts in Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch and where they are located in the file structure. The same information on this page can be found in the MM8BDM PK3 in acs/_acslist.txt
<aside> 📜 acs_source/corescripts/api handlers/ASSTDIB.acs
Script "core_Assist_Display_Bar_Start" (int cam) CLIENTSIDE
Script "core_Get_And_Increment_AssistDisplayBarCount" (void) CLIENTSIDE
Script "core_Get_AssistDisplayBar_On" (void) CLIENTSIDE
Script "core_Get_AssistDisplayBar_X" (int pos) CLIENTSIDE
Script "core_Get_AssistDisplayBar_Y" (int pos) CLIENTSIDE
Script "core_Get_AssistDisplayBar_HUDMode" (void) CLIENTSIDE
<aside> 📜 acs_source/corescripts/api handlers/ASSTDIS.acs
Script "core_Assist_Display" OPEN CLIENTSIDE {
Script "core_Get_And_Increment_AssistDisplayID" (void) CLIENTSIDE {
<aside> 📜 acs_source/corescripts/api handlers/BARCLEAR.acs
Script "core_DrawBar_Clear" (int cam) CLIENTSIDE {
<aside> 📜 acs_source/corescripts/api handlers/BARHNDLE.acs
Script "core_DrawBar_Run" (int cam) CLIENTSIDE {
<aside> 📜 acs_source/corescripts/api handlers/CORE8BDT.acs
// compiled file with no scripts
<aside> 📜 acs_source/corescripts/api handlers/DTADDR.acs